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Sustainable fashion refers to the practice of producing and consuming clothing in an environmentally and socially responsible manner throughout its entire lifecycle. It aims to minimize the negative impact of the fashion industry on the planet and the people involved in its production.

As climate change is becoming more prevalent, our society has brought awareness to the negative effects of human actions—particularly the fashion industry. In report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, every second one garbage truck worth of clothing is disposed. 

It is our responsibility to be aware of the consequences of our actions. When purchasing anything, it is important to check for these three factors:

1. Environmental Impact of the Product

Sustainable fashion focuses on the entire lifecycle of a garment, aiming to reduce pollution, conserve resources, and minimize waste. It involves using organic or recycled materials, implementing eco-friendly production methods, and promoting recycling and upcycling.

2. Ethical Production

Sustainable fashion emphasizes fair working conditions and aims to eliminate exploitative labor practices. By supporting ethical brands, consumers contribute to improving the well-being of garment workers in the industry.

3. Circular Economy

Sustainable fashion promotes a circular economy by designing long-lasting garments, encouraging repair and reuse, and facilitating recycling and composting. The goal is to reduce waste and extend the lifespan of clothing.

Indian women using handmade and sustainable processes to make organic fabric

Women making thread from cotton fibers to be put on loom

At Tints, all our fabrics used are completely handmade. Our cotton is grown with no use of harmful chemicals or pesticides, and it is then hand plucked—making it 100% organic. The cotton fibers is then processed with a handspun loom, and then a charkha is used to make thread. Once the thread is made, it is hand woven to create the textile, where it is then embellished with hand embroidery by Tints team of generational artisans. 

Besides being an environmental and socially beneficial, wearing sustainable clothing can have several personal benefits: 

1. Personal Health: Sustainable fashion prioritizes organic and non-toxic materials, benefiting both the wearer and the workers involved. By avoiding clothing with harmful chemicals, consumers can reduce their exposure to health risks.

2. Longevity and Quality: Sustainable fashion promotes durable and high-quality garments designed for longevity. By investing in these clothes, consumers reduce the frequency of replacements and contribute to a more sustainable consumption pattern.

Tints has made it a priority to create eco-friendly, biodegradable clothing through ethical production means. Buying sustainable clothing promotes responsible consumption and production patterns, helping to mitigate the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment and society.

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